Q: Where do you get your leather?
A: We use a variety of different suppliers in the USA.
Q: What is the difference between Leather and Suede?
A: Leather starts out often as thick or thicker than a belt. The top outer layer of the skin is used to make top grain or full grain leather like you see in shoes, jackets, furniture and most of our products. A variety of finishes and effects can then be applied to the leather to give it a different look or feel (glossy, nude, embossed, etc). The bottom layer that gets split off is suede. This bottom layer is buffed to give it the velvety feel that is characteristic of suede.
Q: How do I care for Suede?
A: Suede isn't nearly as delicate as it looks, most of the time you can wash off whatever soil it's accumulated and then buff it up with a stiff brush and it's no worse for the wear. There are also a variety of products out there for protecting suede and leather, many of which don't change the velvety feel and still make it virtually waterproof.
Q: What is a Hide?
A: A hide is an animal skin which is treated to be used by humans. The term "hide" comes form German word "Haut" which means skin. Leather is made from the hide of any animal.
Q: What is Tanning Process?
A: Tanning is the process of treating hides of animals to produce leather. A Tannery is the place where the hides are processed. The Steps involved are Preparation, Tanning, Retanning, Dyeing, Finishing, and Inspection.
For more information, please email us at Info@NekDel.com.